Dear Cleo 17 11 12

Dearest Cleo

It was good to catch up yesterday and your Mum was pleased that we got rid of the birds both Hitchcock and Norman banished from your living room. Don’t let your Daddy slack up, there is still lots of paper to get rid of.

As usual on a Sunday I went life drawing, I drew these and I have added a drawing  did of Freya yesterday evening.

Figure 1 (15 11 12 01) chalk on A2 grey sugar paper

Figure 2 (15 11 12 02) charcoal on A2 grey sugar paper

Figure 3 (15 11 12 03) charcoal on A2 grey sugar paper

Figure 4 (15 11 12 04) charcoal and chalk on A2 grey sugar paper

Figure 5 (15 11 12 05) charcoal and chalk on A2 grey sugar paper

Figure 6 (15 11 12 06) charcoal and chalk on A2 grey sugar paper

I remember drawing Freya while I was doing drawing 1 so it isn’t so revolutionary, what is revolutionary is the way that the back view if her  sitting down looks ready to move I think it is a good measure of how my drawing is improving.

I would bet that the one you like best is Freya, she sends her regards xfrdlg ?erwlfgdv      that was her virtual signature, a paw mark from Freya on the keyboard.

love as always

Mickos xx